Staging with Mars ~ 15 Jan 2018

Before you know it (26 Jan), Mars leaves his home turf - Scorpio - and trounces on into Sagittarius. There he’ll spend six weeks or so excavating the energetic seeds planted by Saturn’s transit in Sag over the last two and a half years. Planning ahead is smart with Mars. So is having a heads up on what it is that Mars might actually be unearthing.

To assist objectives and goals for next weeks, consider three upcoming Martian tiers of activity:

Stage 1 - 29 January through 12 February

In Stage 1 tracks as Mars aligns with a series of black holes in Sagittarius and squares a collection of black holes in Virgo. These black holes agitate the psyche by blasting the collective consciousness with x-ray impulses. Such emanation inoculations provoke primal curiosities, inspiring the need to drill down, look deeper, perhaps even to open that mystery door of ideas that could be Pandoran in nature. The implication of the x-ray emanations suggests that when a matter is comprehensively perused, grasped at its core, then the intention of the ideas probed becomes clear. The application of energy that follows occurs with great intent and impeccable attention, no matter how swiftly efforts take place and results appear.

Here, the feeling is much like grabbing a handful of cosmic consciousness and carefully investigating the sprouting concept seeds within. One of the underscoring x-ray pulses lasts 283 seconds. This specific impulse suggests that when you grab a mental morsel that requires contemplation and magical mnemonic matrixing, spend at least four minutes and forty-three seconds dedicated to that one, single thought. No wavering of consciousness. No checking the latest text message ping on your phone. No posting to the Internet. Apply focused and complete attention.

Perhaps write down the original thought on the top of a sheet of paper. Yes, paper. It seems that galactic energies prefer firm tangibility of form. Pencil or pen tracks on paper are far superior to pixels on a phone. Write down everything that comes to mind about that one thought for a concentrated five minutes. Should another thought be spawned as a result, write it down, then that thought deserves its own dedicated five minutes following the completion of the five-minute blast currently in progress.

Naturally astrology aficionados organically tend to record the date and time when mental blasts appear. Absolutely make sure to remember to do so during Stage 1. Thirty-five days following the initial download, a black hole orbital period completes. Slightly more than a month after such cosmic deliveries occur, the vision of how to execute, exploit and engage the original thought can clearly formulate.

Stage 2 - 15 February through 2 March

The background galactic score of Stage 2 sounds off as Mars aligns with a series of black holes in central Sagittarius. These can be interpretively summarized in a sequence of suggestions:

Above all, pursue excellence with the grandest, most far-reaching concepts possible.

Walk your talk. If it’s part of your stated platform or philosophy, impeccably apply your efforts in accord with the doctrines and beliefs.

Consult with experts only. Take what you can and integrate it.

Become your own authority, and within that authority, accept culpability for concepts followed, innovations imagined, and real world circumstances delivered.

Maintain and claim the intellectual property that results from galactic downloads. You downloaded and innovated, after all. 

Avoid invoking the “you teach want you need to learn doctrine,” and avoid conferring with those of that mindset.

Be clear and concise when communicating. When others nod, catching your drift, stop talking. After talk, it’s time for engagement.

Stage 3 - 9 March through 16 March

In Stage 3, Mars transits the vicinity of the Galactic Center. Basically any fabulous idea received since late last summer requires concentrated activity. If you’re not going to execute the ideas received, or if you claim you lack the real world skills to deliver on these ideas, it’s fair to sell the concept, pay it forward, give it away.

Whatever decision is made in this time frame, be solid with it. Given you’ll be burning the midnight oil, consuming calories or expending etheric energy, you need focus sans distraction. There can be no regrets. There can be no shoulds, coulds or woulds. Decide what you’ll do and do it brilliantly.

Between Stages 2 and 3 Mercury and Venus each add energy to the third stage by squaring the Galactic Center from Pisces. These squares appear in the form of thoughts like, “That’s a great idea. Someone should do it.” Since it’s your thought, the Piscean wants to inspire you to realize it very likely should be your job to deliver on the idea.

The Pisces energy takes a little time to coalesce. Sometimes when brilliance is uttered, others roll their eyes, even though they’re attempting to appear ponderous. Such reaction does not disqualify the idea on the table. It simply means it needs to be worked for at least six weeks, sometimes six months before others get it clearly enough to engage. Be undaunted and remain ignited.

Consider Mars in Sagittarius to be a three-stage booster rocket. To achieve a useful orbital trajectory each stage must be applied with full and complete thrust. The rocket is now rolling to the launch pad. The Mars in Scorpio fuel will then be loaded onboard - perhaps even Plutonium. The software is being checked and double checked and in less than a fortnight, the rocket launches, piercing the sky above with inquisitive receptivity. Check your boarding pass!

More soon!